Abstract Submission

**Abstract format Pdf, Doc, Docx
Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • Abstracts must be submitted in Word or PDF format. The abstract should include a title, followed by the names of the author(s) and co-author(s) along with their affiliations. Accurate contact details for the corresponding author must be provided, as these will be used for further correspondence and conference updates. The main content of the abstract should be organized into the following sections: Background/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, and should be followed by a brief biography of the presenting author. Standard abbreviations should be used, and the abstract should consist solely of text, without any tables or figures.
  • The abstract should not exceed 250-300 words, and the biography should be limited to 100 words. Adherence to these limits is essential, as abstracts exceeding the specified word count may be rejected.
  • Abstracts must be written in English. Ensure that the content is clear, concise, and free of grammatical and typographical errors.
  • Abstracts can be submitted online or via email to the address provided on the conference website. Abstracts may be revised until 30 days prior to the conference.
  • A sample abstract template can be downloaded from the conference abstract submission page.
Review Process
  • The organizing committee of [Conference Short Name] ensure a high quality, and blind peer review process for all abstracts submitted to the conference. In this process, both the reviewers and the authors remain unknown to each other. Acceptance decisions are made by a panel of expert reviewers who evaluate the abstracts based on the novelty and significance of the findings and conclusions, as well as factors such as quality, plagiarism, and adherence to formatting guidelines.
  • The committee will assess whether each abstract is appropriately suited for the conference sessions.
  • Abstracts must comply with the specified guidelines.
  • Acceptance notifications, along with an official acceptance letter, will be sent to the corresponding author via email and WhatsApp.
  • Abstracts that do not conform to the specified format will be rejected.
  • Presenting authors must be registered participants. Only abstracts from authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled for presentation.